
Welcome to KubeSchool, a comprehensive collection of Kubernetes tutorials and guides.


What is KubeSchool

Welcome to KubeSchool, a school for learning Kubernetes.
It's really just a series of well-structured articles.

We wanted to create Kubernetes guides & articles that:

  • Continuously update
  • Can be consumed independently
  • Are organized in a sensible way
  • Help beginners learn
  • Help professionals level-up

It's currently work in progress, but we wanted to release it as we're writing it. The following is a checklist of guides we are adding, but if you have a specific guide you'd like let us know - we'll prioritize it!

Hope you find it useful!


  • Local Development

    • Minikube
    • Kind (Kubernetes in Docker)
    • K3d (K3s in Docker)
    • Docker Desktop Kubernetes
  • Cloud Providers

    • Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
    • Google GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)
    • Microsoft AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)
    • DigitalOcean Kubernetes
    • Linode Kubernetes Engine
  • Self-Hosted / Bare Metal

    • Kubeadm
    • Kubespray
    • K3s
    • RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine)
    • OpenShift
  • Advanced Topics

    • Kubernetes Operators
    • Service Mesh (Istio, Linkerd)
    • GitOps with ArgoCD/Flux
    • Kubernetes Security
    • Monitoring and Observability